Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Fear, as much as we try to suppress our emotions we cannot suppress our deepest most primal emotion... FEAR this is as primal as an instinct as there can be we each have our own definition of fear however it’s better to start with a scholarly definition: what is Fear? 
An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Now that we know what fear is let me tell you mine... Through the words of FDR:
Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself

You see this quote by no means indicates that I fear nothing; rather it shows that my fear is of EVERYTHING! Fearing fear means that you are aware of the consequences of your actions and how they could potentially affect you, I summarize all these consequences in a single word: FAILURE. You see failure to me means defeat it means that you have not fulfilled your duty and thus you have failed yourself your family and all those who know you. To fail you could say is my "biggest" fear. Also failure for some may be solely academic however for me I look on a grand scale my greatest fear is to fail in life itself (academics included). 

However it is this fear of failing that enables me to do what I do, as a result of my fear to failing I strive to succeed for I cannot even fathom the repercussions and consequences if I were to fail in life; you only have one chance! What I fear is the feeling of losing, failing, I have experienced these feeling once before and I never want to experience these emotions again. In my eyes 10 lifetimes living in fear is better than one day of loss or failure.

ets end this sad topic on a nicer note:( please laugh at the reason not the individual I would be ok with that grade:98)


  1. I am in agreement with you shaun. I fear that I will do something wrong and be a failure in the eyes of others. Because of this fear, though, many don't try new things and act like 'themselves' because they are afraid of the consequences. So Shaun, don't be afraid to try new things, be yourself, for NO failure can come out of that. :)

  2. You're very serious about this topic. I agree that it's important to succeed in life and in academics, but I don't agree that failure is as awful as you say it is. Some things, such as committing a crime, mean that you really have failed, but making occasional mistakes don't mean complete failure. We can learn from mistakes and use those experiences to do better next time. Also, fear of fear itself is a reasonable fear to have and I like your use of pictures.

  3. I agree that you are VERY anxious when it comes to failing. I literally see you freak out and almost have a heart attack if you get at least one wrong answer on a test or question. The thing is Shaun, is that you need to chill out and relax if you make a mistake. You're a human being dude, humans are suppose to make mistakes, your 99 point grade average isn't going to drop to an F if you get a questions wrong on a homework assignment. But though this is a problem, if you look it in another point of view, it's also a strength that you hold. Your anxiety and self-discipline of failing helps push you in your academics to strive higher then you have ever before. And for that, I think you're a pretty cool and intelligent person and I respect you as my classmate. *man-hug for a touching moment :D* (^Such a professional speech^)

  4. You have actually gave me a different perspective of fear. I believe your examples were perfect in the way you expressed your case of fear, but theres one thing. Your never a failure because theres always a way you can try again and become a winner. So in saying that, in my eyes there is no such thing as a failure, you only fail if you believe your a failure. So if you change the mentality of being afraid that your going to be a failure to becoming a winner, then you should have no fears.

  5. i like your blog.... its interesting like your afraid of failing in life, it makes you think ahead so that you know you won't mess up and if keep trying, your going to accomplish a lot of things. when i fail at something sometimes it makes me think that my dreams or goals aren't going to be reached like i want them to.

  6. I do not completely agree with you. I do not think that ALL fear comes from failure. I fear bugs so what am I failing at? However, I do agree with your examples that you gave to express your opinion, but I think that it goes deeper than just failure, I think that it is the fear of what other people consider failing and whether or not you fall in there category.

  7. What's the point of fearing life? Yeah, you'll make mistakes and do stuff you regret, but that's part of the learning experience. You know, in evolution, humans are the only ones who have the capacity to think in advance. If we can do that, then each past experience contributes to the success to every new experience! Therefore, failure has the potential for success! Besides, hasn't anyone ever told you worrying is bad for your health? Live a little ;)

  8. Shaun, failure is a fear that echoes though all of our heads. This is something that you should not fear and, besides failure is something that you can learn from. Fear can be something that changes your performance and you do not want that. The best way you can overcome this is always know you did your best.

  9. I realize that you are scared of failing and I just wanted to let you know that making mistakes is ok. Failing is a part of life and it is how you learn. Not many people get everything right the first time but we are all human and people make mistakes. Your life is not going to end if you get a bad grade on a homework, classwork, or even a test; just as if you are learning to ride a bike, if you fall you get up ad get back on and try harder.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i understand with what you are saying . It is ok to fail that just means that next time you will know what to do differently. you will also know how to make it better whenever you do it again. i had a friend with the same problem last year and i was the only one that understood her. she would cry if she got half a question wrong and i felt sorry for her.

  12. I agree with you because i'm really scared to fail too. I really try my best to get good grades but sometimes i can't because some of the work for me are kind of hard. I'm actually starting to do my homework every night but like some of the HW i get is sometimes hard so i just don't do it because i don't understand it.

  13. I am also afraid of failure because if I fail academically them I won't be able to maintain myself let alone a family. But I also feel that failing is a part of life and you need to at least once in your life fail to succeed. Everyone fails and nobody is perfect therefore everyone makes mistakes.
