Tuesday, October 23, 2012


LOST the critically acclaimed TV show that everyone WAS watching :) how does this survival TV show compare to the critically acclaimed book LORD OF THE FLIES? Well lets start by getting the obvious out of the way: They are both tales of survival, they are both set on an apparently deserted island in a place where the chance of rescue is slim to none, also in both stories they arrive via a plane "crash" of some sort. However if one were to dive deeper they would then see how emotionally the stories are the same. In both stories the survivor who are left on the island are forced to make tough choices in order to increase their chances of survival. In both cases they attempt to model a civilization or some form of government based off of what they know. In both cases the survivors elect leaders and in both stories rivalries are formed, which eventually force certain members to become barbaric and savage. However there is one key difference in lord of the flies this turn to savagery or chaos occurs much more rapidly due to the fact that they are simply children thus they do not have as complex thought process to rationalize. In addition to this the children of lord of the flies have no form of modern weapons or technology to aid them. However with the overwhelming evidence pointing to their similarities one should be sure to ask: "How original is the show LOST?"

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