Thursday, November 1, 2012


To lead or not to lead? This is the question that has been asked, I shall no offer my perspective on this very interesting question:

Some may say that they if given the opportunity would jump at the chance to lead however I see it differently a leader should not have the mindset of rising to power but rather he should be leading! I personally believe that I would never be a subordinate to someone. While leading a group of people is no easy task it simply shows that only those who are capable can be successful in doing so!

I feel that those who chose to follow a leader know that they chose to obey and follow that leer not simply because they find safety and comfort from the leader but rather they do so because they know that they are incapable of leader and more importantly convincing others to follow their rule!

I conclusion I would like to answer the question very briefly: if you are a leader you would not ask your self if you should lead you would do it. You would do it because you alone have a clear and concise mindset and the drive to reach your goal. Great leaders shape history their followers are simply pawns on a chessboard.

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