Monday, November 19, 2012


Before we begin lets start with some good old definitions:

People-Human beings in general or considered collectively, mammals with free will.

Free will-The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.

Quarantine-A state, period, or place of isolation

Now you ask yourself can the definitions be any more contradictory? 

The answer to this question in the same way the human spirit cannot be suppresses the human body cannot be subjected to isolation, regardless of the cost.  The only think that makes us different from other “animals is our ability to think and interact; removing this would render us like animals. (Lord of the Flies reference anyone? :) 

In essence quarantining a person is similar to killing an individual... while not physically mentally, by removing an individual from their family, loved ones, home etc. the individual will soon be rendered incapable of functioning in society, an outcast perhaps a fate even worse than death.
 If murder is banned then how can this be legal? 

After stumbling the an article on the internet I was simply applaud to find that officials in the people’s republic of china were quarantining citizens who had a disease. While initially this did not surprise me; 
The Peoples "Republic" of China is a single party state, it is a place where its citizens are constantly suppressed and denied the freedoms we take for granted in the United States. However this article has shown the true nature of the human spirit...simply imagine you being told by a "superior" that you would be forced to isolate your fellow countrymen against their will! 

The officials say that there was ample reason for the response... a case of a rare pneumonic plague killed 3 individuals and according to the government the quarantine saved lives. Or did it? Many people question the response and the response is probably best summarized by Markel (a Chinese citizen) "There may be some benefit, but we haven't measured that," he said. He noted that the response may be the result of criticism after a lax response by the Chinese government during the SARS outbreak several years ago."

 Thus is a futile attempt by the "government" of the People’s "Republic" of China to make the people less aware of the real causes: WHAT CAUSED THE DISESE AND HOW IT COULD BE PREVENTED!  Perhaps however there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If more people speak out then perhaps this type of human rights violation will not occur again.

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